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false 2024-09-30 30 September 2024 true

Take the challenge and travel with your car for free

Con Coche
Offer not available for pets
  • Make 3 journeys on one of the following routes: Ibiza-Formentera or Alcúdia-Ciutadella and get your car boarding free. 
  • When you complete the challenge, a coupon will be automatically unlocked with a one-time-use promotional code that you can use to redeem your reward.
  • Trips shall be counted from 21 May 2024 until 30 September 2024.

Your car for FREE with just 3 trips!

Being a member of the Baleària Club is synonymous with travel at the best price, because we reward your loyalty with services that make your life easier and more comfortable;

Only until 30 September 2024 and by making 3 journeys between Alcúdia-Ciutadella or Ibiza-Formentera; you can get in your car for free when you make your next booking.

Make the most of summer!

How do you meet the challenges? Very easy!

  1. 3 journeys
  2. When you complete the challenge, a coupon or reward with a one-time use promotional code will be automatically unlocked on your member dashboard.


But that's not all, find out about other challenges, discounts and benefits within your Club.  

Offer terms and conditions

  • Make 3 journeys on one of the following routes: Ibiza-Formentera or Alcúdia-Ciutadella and get your car boarding free. 
  • When you complete the challenge, a coupon will be automatically unlocked with a one-time-use promotional code that you can use to redeem your reward.
  • Trips shall be counted from 21 May 2024 until 30 September 2024.
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Ferry offers

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