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New 'fast ferry' Margarita Salas

Baleària's new fast ferry, named Margarita Salas, combines the most competitive features of the Eleanor Roosevelt, a pioneer in innovation and sustainability, with a series of new design and engineering advancements to enhance the customer experience.

Margarita Salas - Extraordinario EN

Barcelona - Mallorca | Menorca en solo 3h30min

Barcelona - Mallorca in just 3h30min

This summer, enjoy an EXTRAORDINARY journey aboard the new fast ferry Margarita Salas on the direct Barcelona - Mallorca route. In just 3 hours and 30 minutes, you'll be enjoying the fantastic island of Mallorca.


In just over 3 hours, you'll be on the largest of the Balearic Islands, enjoying its charm. Travel aboard the new fast ferry, with Baleària's usual comforts and new features in comfort and design that will make your journey EXTRAORDINARY.

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Barcelona - Mallorca in just 3h30min

This summer, enjoy an EXTRAORDINARY journey aboard the new fast ferry Margarita Salas on the direct Barcelona - Mallorca route. In just 3 hours and 30 minutes, you'll be enjoying the fantastic island of Mallorca.


In just over 3 hours, you'll be on the largest of the Balearic Islands, enjoying its charm. Travel aboard the new fast ferry, with Baleària's usual comforts and new features in comfort and design that will make your journey EXTRAORDINARY.

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Ferry offers

Book now and visit these destinations at their best time of the year

Plazas limitadas

Mallorca-Menorca in just one hour.


23 per passenger

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Fast Ferry

Majorca more direct


55 per passenger

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Nuevo Margarita Salas

Barcelona - Menorca en 3'30


55 per passenger

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Innovación y diseño

Más velocidad, menor movimiento para el pasajero

El último fast ferry de Baleària, un buque moderno y sostenible, incorpora mejoras propias que lo hacen único a cualquier otro en nuestra flota.

El Margarita Salas cuenta con cuatro motores duales a gas natural que le permiten alcanzar los 35 nudos de velocidad.  Para la comodidad del pasajero, tiene un sistema de estabilización que reduce considerablemente el movimiento y permite un mayor confort a bordo.

Además, su superestructura flotante elástica, aislante de alta tecnología, minimiza las vibraciones y ruidos.

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Iconos margarita EN


Free Internet services, onboard digital entertainment platform, pet surveillance system.

Interior Design

Priority on spaciousness and seat separation, stabilization system for greater comfort, floating superstructure and high-tech insulation.

Emissions Monitoring

Measurement equipment for fuel consumption, engine efficiency, and real-time navigation. Integrated into Baleària's Control Tower project.

More modern, greater comfort

This vessel features an additional passenger deck, a larger aft terrace, and improved seating in the VIP lounge.

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Unique accommodation: private lounge
With amenities before, during, and after your journey.

The Margarita Salas features a unique accommodation in the Baleària fleet. It's a private lounge, accommodating up to 6 people, with services ranging from priority boarding to waiter service and catering included. All in a spacious private area with comfortable seating, sofa and table area, and a television for your digital entertainment.

More design, more space: more comfort
Design focused on ensuring a unique onboard experience

The Margarita Salas, compared to the Eleanor Roosevelt, adds a second passenger deck with a seating lounge, thus increasing the interior space.


Additionally, the aft terrace will be larger and a more comfortable seat model will be included in the VIP lounge.


The interior design and digitalized services are focused on ensuring a unique onboard experience. Passengers can travel in different accommodations and enjoy services such as a cafeteria, shop, children's area with interactive digital games, internet access and free WhatsApp coverage throughout the journey, boarding pass via WhatsApp with seat assignment, free digital entertainment platform, or a pet area that is acclimated and has video surveillance.

'Petfriendly' seat
Este nuevo buque es el onceavo de la flota dotado de motores duales a gas

En palabras del presidente de Baleària, Adolfo Utor, «estos barcos, que actualmente navegan usando gas natural, podrán en un futuro consumir energías renovables neutras en emisiones de C02. La inversión de más de 500 millones de euros en esta flota nos permite usar el combustible disponible hoy, que reduce más emisiones y nos posiciona para la descarbonización en el futuro».


Así, el buque gemelo del Margarita Salas, el fast ferry Eleanor Roosevelt, ha dejado de emitir este año más de 11.000 toneladas de CO2 gracias a usar el gas natural como combustible.

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The Rusadir in data


length in meters



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knots of speed

Por qué Margarita Salas

Por qué Margarita Salas

Bioquímica referente de la ciéncia en España

Margarita Salas formó parte del primer equipo de trabajo en el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del CSIC de Madrid, desde donde introdujo un nuevo e innovador ámbito de investigación: la biología molecular.

Dejó un rico y extenso legado compuesto por más de 350 publicaciones en libros y revistas nacionales e internacionales y más de 400 ponencias, registró ocho patentes.

Salas ha pasado a la historia como una excepcional formadora y una mujer pionera en la ciencia cuya figura ha inspirado y sigue inspirando a varias generaciones.

Margarita Salas - video botadura en

Launch of the 'fast ferry Margarita Salas' 🤩

📹✨ This is how the launch of our 'Margarita Salas' went!
Our new 'fast ferry' touched water for the first time. 🙌

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As a responsible company, Baleària takes on the challenge of decarbonization as the only possible path in the fight against climate change. That's why it is immersed in an energy transition process.


Eco-Efficient Fleet
The shipping company has invested around 500 million euros in recent years in a fleet of eleven ships with dual gas engines, in addition to an electric ferry.


Commitment to Gas
For Baleària, natural gas is the real and most mature alternative currently available in maritime transport to contribute to emissions reduction.


Future Energies
The versatility of dual engines allows them to consume neutral renewable energy in CO2 emissions, which is currently unviable but something Baleària is already studying and experimenting with.


The financing of the vessel has received the participation of the European Union's Next Generation Funds.

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La financiación del buque ha contado con la participación de los Fondos Next Generation de la Unión Europea.