Alcudia - Barcelona - AON - ENG
NMA NBA Mallorca Barcelona false false

Connected by Fast Ferry

Vehicle option not available
Offer not available for pets
  • Price for residents from 15€ while seats last.
  • Applicable to the outward and return journeys on the Alcúdia - Barcelona route, (both origins).
  • No OPEN returns and no day returns. 
  • Allows changes subject to possible fare differences. No cancellations accepted
  • Limited availability.

Get ready for an extraordinary journey

Being connected is important, and if it's during an EXTRAORDINARY journey, even better. This year, we are making your trip between Alcúdia and Barcelona more comfortable, sustainable, and efficient. Yes, 👀you read that right👀. This year, we are expanding ⚡our fast-ferry connections⚡ with the Cecilia Payne vessel, so you can reach Barcelona with your car on board, and soon we will have more news.

Don't wait another moment! See you on board!

Offer terms and conditions

  • Price for residents from 15€ while seats last.
  • Applicable to the outward and return journeys on the Alcúdia - Barcelona route, (both origins).
  • No OPEN returns and no day returns. 
  • Allows changes subject to possible fare differences. No cancellations accepted
  • Limited availability.
Asset Publisher

Ferry offers

Book now and visit these destinations at their best time of the year