Booking request


Port of origin

Departure date

Departure time

Port of destination

Date of return

Return time


Type of vehicle


Length with load included (ML)

Tare (kg)

One-way freight (approx. weight) (kg)

Returning goods (approx. weight) (kg)

Description of the merchandise to be transported

Is it dangerous merchandise? More information on dangerous goods

Contacto Bale�ria Cargo

Bale�ria Cargo ofrece diferentes soluciones destinadas al transporte de mercanc�as. Si quiere realizar alguna consulta puede llamar al 865 60 84 23 o bien contactar con las diferentes delegaciones. Tambi�n puede contactar con nosotros a trav�s del fax 96 367 58 59 o bien del correo electr�nico [email protected].

Tel�fono Fax Correo electr�nico
Barcelona 93 634 78 17 93 223 02 32 [email protected]
Denia 96 642 28 20 96 643 01 76 [email protected]
Formentera 971 32 30 07 971 32 31 82 [email protected]
Ibiza 971 31 12 69 971 31 31 55 [email protected]
Menorca 971 35 59 80 971 35 49 28 [email protected]
Palma 971 40 02 83 971 70 87 39 [email protected]
Valencia 96 367 14 83 96 367 48 59 [email protected]

Please specify type of the UNO number


Company details

Customer / payer

E-mail address

Shipper's name

VAT Id-number

Prefix number

Mobile phone

Charger / Customs Agent

Legal name

Consignee / Recipient



Name and surname of driver

Personal Identity Card / Passport

Expiration date

Mobile phone contact number

Date of birth


Add an accompanying person

Payment details

Payment type

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